Monday 29 August 2011

New Irish Diddly

Hey Guys, decided it was time to get back on the communications highway. Lots of stuff has happened since my last post so lets just say we'll take it as read.....

Anyhoo, the focus of this post is the following fine example of Irish Folk excellence.

I saw Alan Burke at the St James Wine Vaults near the centre of Bath. Really nice local with a cosy little music venue downstairs. This guy did an hours set as part of the Bath Folk Festival. He's been going for years, is absolutely superb live but couldn't give a monkeys when it comes to self promotion. He was selling his CD's at the end of the session. I bought one out of his own hands, only to find it was his first. Due to "management issues" you can't get his later issues without huge effort.

Having posted this, I will make efforts to get back into blogging on a regular basis.


ps - glad to see Simon is surviving earthquakes and hurricanes with such aplomb. You just can't beat the British abroad!

1 comment:

Passionate Dilettante said...

I've been for a listen. Mm. Good!
By the way. Today's a public holiday here - the first time I've been on FB since I went back to work, and goodness knows when I'llblog again!