Man, I am so folked up. Went to see this fella the other night. Wasn't too optimistic with the venue which is a jazz bar underneath a steak bar of a new hotel in town. Still, I'd already been to the pub (Crop Circle - nice pint, more suited to summer) and was feeling generally benign to all living things.
Now, I haven't been to a gig since last year when we saw the Hives at Colston Hall (Impressive sound and energy but the lead guitarist does come over as the archetypical knob) and I haven't seen a folk singer since before that.
Let me say that Mr Irvine is pretty darn good. He sings with Christy Moore and is in a couple of other bands that keep him entertained.
The events in the first song, to my eternal pleasure, DID happen in May, and involved a fair maiden.
There were also more modern themes, such as driving to Finland to see a mate, and drinking so much Akvavit that your head explodes - all good stuff.
Mr Irvine had bazoukis.
I met my mate's dad, a dry Scotsman with an encyclopaedic memory for the comings and goings of the British (folk centred) music world. He actually remembered and liked Marillion, my own youthful indulgence.
Had a lovely night.
ps. You may notice that I have taken the time to learn about inserts - much better
Tis a well known fact that the fair maidens of the Emerald Isle were only allowed outside in the merry month of May and spent the rest of the year indoors cooking stew and hand carving shillelaghs
Erm, haven't you been to see two performers that could be described as "folk musicians" we me?
And well done on the inserts.....
I have - but have you not noticed how time has flown by. It has to be said, I do need to get out and enjoy the odd cultural highlight. As I now have a folk freak buddy be prepared for more reports of hirsute diddley-aye-doings.
And Mr Bragg may possibly come from the folk tradition, but he's out there on his own, I think?
Roy is folkin' lovely, I agree.
Shall I stop with the silly puns now?
Hi darlin'
I keep meaning to send you this URL. I think - HOPE - you'll really like this, and he doers a lot of gigs, so.......
Glad you're keeping it live! x
Me again. This time I followed the link to Andy Irvine. Wow. Wish I'd heard him live. It's years since I've heard this kind of pure folk for our time (until Chris Wood of current obsession that is). Love the intros - what is that instrument? And the last sample - I want to know what he said! think I'll be breaking out the plastic next month. =D
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